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  • Writer's pictureInstructor Rich

Help Help ... its rescue diver time

What a way to kick off the 2023 season - straight into the PADI Rescue Diver course! Well we're back for another season and as the islands first and only PADI Dive Resort its been so humbling to see our calendar fully booked for March.

We kicked off on the 3rd of March with some ominous sky's and cold sea conditions but never the less ... we were back in the water.

Jess demonstrating great CPR on Larry the manakin

Diver Diver are you OK?

Jess was In full readiness for day 1 with a plan of completing her rescue course over 3 days. We kicked off with day 1 of practice excersises and putting all the theory into the real world.

From finding a lost Diver to dealing with panicked divers at the surface Jess began to work through each excersise with great precision and care ... the makings of a true rescue diver.

There's so much to cover on this course and progressively you build your confidence and skill from focusing on yourself to those diving around you.

Recognising signs and symptoms of conditions and tell tale indicators in other divers are all part and parcel of this course.

For Day 1 and Day 2 we were back at our favourite diving spot in Whiting Bay. Day 2 provided a glimpse of summer with beautiful blue sky's and warm spring sun. Still 7°C in the water though so thick hoods and gloves were a must!

Day 2 saw us begin to put all the pieces together with some combined excersises and review of essential EFR procedures.

Of course the day wouldn't be complete without lunch at The Shore restaurant which is right next to the training site.

With plenty of practice in it's now onto day 3 later this month where we'll run some scenarios and put Jess through her paces as a rescue diver!

Mark helping out as an unconscious diver as we dry walk the rescue steps before doing them in the water.

We normally run the rescue course over 2 days but we understand that you may have other commitments than mean we may need to spread your course ... just get in touch with us and we'll always be able to help fit a course to your schedule.

So hello 2023 - its great to be back!

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