I'm getting all fired up for Waterfest on Sunday12th June and keeping everything crossed for some sun and no wind! Clearly we'll be at the merci of the weather but hay it's Scotland so I'm sure it'll be awesome!

On the day I'll be offering the opportunity to experience Scuba Diving or Snorkelling off Lamlash Pier. As the day is all about trying something new I've slashed the price from £90 to JUST £15 for 3 lucky people. You wont get this price again so if you want to try scuba diving, today is your lucky day!! You must book this in advance of the day so drop me a message ASAP and when these 3 slots are full then this incredible offer will be gone...
If you don't fancy scuba diving then I'll also be on hand to help you try Snorkelling (sometimes called Skin Diving) between my Discover Scuba Diving sessions. I've popped some key details for you to check out below:
PADI Discover Scuba Diving - £15 (Normally £90!) *3 PLACES - BOOK NOW*
PADI Skin Diver (Snorkelling) - FREE *LIMITED PLACES*
Discover Scuba Diving Bookable Slots:
High tide on Sunday 12th June will be at 09:52 with Low Tide at 15:36 - as such only 3 scuba sessions are planned for the day and all three will be 1:1 - as such only 3 people will be able to secure this awesome experience. I may run more in the afternoon depending upon conditions and I'll announce this on the day.
8:15 - 09:00
09:45 - 10:30 *SLOT TAKEN*
11:15 - 12:00 *SLOT TAKEN*
Please get in touch ASAP to book one of these 3 slots - you wont ever get a price this low for PADI Discovery Scuba Diving again #launchevent #AYCWaterfest22
Snorkelling Slots:
Whilst you can't book onto Snorkelling slots I'll be on hand during the afternoon to talk all things Scuba Diving and help you get into the water with a bit of snorkelling. To ensure no one misses change over time with the yacht club activities any afternoon sessions will run between the following times:
14:10 - 15:20
15:40 - 16:20
Hope to see loads of you at Waterfest 22 on Sunday 12th June and even if you've never thought about diving before come and say hi! Amy and myself will be on hand through out the day.
And if you wonder where we'll be (because I have no idea yet) just look out for the massive PADI flag...